Monday, 10 November 2014

October Review - Land Slide

 Hey guys!

Picture speaks a thousand word.

As you can see, the graph is moving constantly in one direction for the entire month. I did not expect to lose 50 buy ins after a ok September and was wondering what is going on with my game. After the first week of October, I did not check my result until the last week of October but I knew I was doing badly for most session. To be honest, my confidence level on my game is at all time low where I am starting to question my play during hands.
I had a two hours of Skype session with Sipox after I whatapp him for a talk regarding my current situation and he took the initiative to go through on my stats for the entire month and gave advise on which position I wasn't raising enough or don't play well which was a good start for me. Then we talk about preflop and balancing range on each position. I am really grateful as I did not expect him to offer such a big help.

I bought a book 'Poker 1%' last month but did not have the time to read it until this month. Gonna digest it and hopefully it will improve my game! I will still continue to grind hard in November, hopefully things will turn around and gonna work hard on my game off the tables.

That's all for now!

Good luck on the tables!

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